Check out the great news feature on Oddpodz! And man did it drive traffic. Plus the really cool thing was the NBC news network we were on in Tampa ( also owns the Tampa Tribune and today they ran an ad on the second page of the paper promoting the Oddpodz spot with a photo and great plug.

So how did all this happen? I wrote a one page pitch letter and placed a call to one of the anchors, and bingo, she loved the idea and sent out a crew.

It’s not always this easy. But a small business should not forget about this opportunity to get exposure. Think about how your business can help viewers. Don’t think selling, that’s where buying ads comes in, think share wisdom, advise and educate.

Our angle was all the free biz findz, the idea engine and network. If you’d like to see some examples of news query letters go to docstoc and there are tons to look at from big and small companies. Just type in “news pitch letter” in the search. And don’t forget to check out the Free Biz Findz under PR tools for other no-cost ways to get publicity.